About Jeremy Womack

Jeremy Womack is a photographer and blogger. He has lived in the Entertainment Capital of the World, Las Vegas, for 20+ years. In addition to running JeremyWomack.com, he is the content curator for Travelivery.com.

Jeremy Womack

Hey! I’m Jeremy Womack and this is my blog.

I started JeremyWomack.com in 2004, as a way to promote my photography and to promote Las Vegas. Long-time readers of this blog have seen a lot of changes over the years, including the length of my hair. I always knew that a much-needed rebirth was on the horizon and it is undoubtedly well deserved.

What you’ll find on the New JeremyWomack.com

  • Photos, Photos, and More Photos!
  • Videos via Jeremy’s Social Media Platforms
  • Explanations on How Jeremy Has Improved His Life
  • Tips and Tricks of How You Can Also Improve Your Life

how did Jeremy Womack Get started and why does He have His own Dotcom?

Both are great questions! Jeremy Womack’s journey started in Las Vegas, back in 2000. As a new photographer in Las Vegas, with ZERO connections, one of his first objectives was to try and get his name out there.

He kept seeing the Las Vegas Weekly magazine everywhere he went. In the magazine, they had a page called the Vegas Scene. The Vegas Scene was a gallery of images, typically from a nightclub. He concluded that people enjoyed seeing themselves in print and that the photographer who took their photos would be remembered. Plus, he would get a photo credit in the magazine.

Even though nightclubs weren’t his scene at the time, he saw shooting in them as an opportunity to put his name in front of many people in Las Vegas. Sometimes, diving headfirst into something new is the best thing you can do.

So, he reached out to the Las Vegas Weekly, to see if they could use or wanted more photographers for the Vegas Scene page. They said yes and he eventually became the sole photographer for the Vegas Scene page, for several years.

What prompted him to start JeremyWomack.com in 2004? Well, the Vegas Scene page only fits about 12 images or so. Given that Jeremy submitted more than 12 images to the magazine, he discovered that the other people he took photos of were sad when they didn’t see themselves in the magazine.

Having his website allowed Jeremy to publish all of the photos online, so they would at least get to see their photos somewhere. Things were great until the 2008 recession disrupted everything. His business took a huge hit, he stopped working with the Las Vegas Weekly, and he decided he needed to pivot.

Life is like a chess move. You need to make your next move your best move.” – Why You Wanna, T.I.

During the recession, businesses may not have needed a photographer, but what they did need, was marketing. With the connections Jeremy made in nightclubs, he tapped into his PR sources and started to blog about Las Vegas. At the time, blogging about Las Vegas wasn’t a thing. The majority of people doing any sort of marketing would simply email out newsletters.

With his nightclub connections, Jeremy also became the only photographer to shoot for his very own website, in a sea of nightclub photography websites. It was a very cool and unique thing Jeremy was doing. Not only did he get to do what he loved, but he also got to meet a lot of awesome people, including celebrities.

Jeremy hasn’t shot in nightclubs for quite some time, but he has thought about doing it again someday. If you are interested in seeing some of the nightclub shots he took back then, click the View The Photo Galleries button below. As you scroll further, you’ll see photos of Jeremy and his friends from that era.

Oh yeah. And why did he decide to name the website after himself? Well, people already knew Jeremy in the Las Vegas nightlife scene, so the domain being his name made it easy for them to remember. Even though this was WAY before the influencer era of today, something told him that branding your name as a dotcom and as your user name on social media, would be a wise idea.

Nightlife & daylife photos of Jeremy Womack & friends

Cities Visited
Days Traveling
Shots Taken
Friends Met

Celebrity photos Jeremy Has shot

What Is Jeremy Womack Doing now?

After several years of shooting in Las Vegas nightclubs and writing about it here, Jeremy decided to pivot again and launched the website Travelivery.com in 2013. He was at a bit of a crossroads at the time.

Does he keep being one-dimensional with this blog, or does he venture out and do more? Venturing out and doing more meant that his competition would no longer be smaller niche websites about Las Vegas. The competition would be much bigger websites, with a lot more money. More money meant they also had a larger staff, allowing them to cover a lot more ground.

Even though Jeremy is just one dude, he felt he was up for the challenge. If nothing else, he was curious to see what would happen. If he were to fail, he would always know that he had tried, and couldn’t ever say, what if?

Well, after almost 10 years and a pandemic that shut down the entire world, Travelivery still managed to survive. It ended up being helpful to have a smaller staff and a tighter budget. Who knew?

Over the years, the concept of Travelivery has evolved into more of an Entertainment and News magazine, combined with a Business Directory. Currently, there is the main website, along with a Las Vegas website. He looks forward to adding additional cities in the future.

Well, that brings us to today and the relaunch of this blog. Jeremy spent many years in the forefront and several years behind the scenes. Now, he’s excited to be back at the forefront. He wants to take all of the knowledge he’s learned about life and share it with you. ALL of your support has been appreciated!

For general inquiries, Photography work, creative services, etc., Jeremy can be emailed by Clicking Here.

Las Vegas, The City That Jeremy Has called home for 20+ years